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Simon Harman

Wedge Alternatives
Executive Director
Closed Programmes

What made you choose Because It's There?

The Because It's There programme was a way of exploring various issues in my life, one of them being - “Did I want to climb Everest”.

What were your coaching objectives?

1) Prove I really can “do it” and that the changes I am experiencing spiritually and at every level are real and not imaginary.

2) Lose 6 kg and get “very fit” rather than “ok fit”; have a focus and fitness goal.

3) Develop basic mountaineering skills, and gain experience, with a view to larger challenges. Also, to ascertain that the bigger challenges are something I really want to undertake, and to find a new and inspiring hobby.

4) Have some fun!!!

What did you achieve through the process?

I learnt to break down a big challenge into smaller chunks. On Mt Blanc there was no point asking how long to go. I would get there eventually. Before this experience, I felt that climbing Everest was out of my reach and just a nice idea. I now know that I could climb it. There has been a massive shift in belief. The only thing is I don’t know if I am willing to take the risk. One thing the programme did was help me prioritise my life and my family come first.

Through the programme, I was able to express certain beliefs – goals are positive and most people spend their life quite goal-less, always take personal responsibility, know what you want and do something totally out of the box and explore.

How would you rate the programme out of 10?


What would you say to someone considering Because It's There coaching?

Through this programme, I proved that I can do more than I ever thought, I have removed ceilings that I’ve had for the last seven years. Definitely mentally and emotionally stronger.

I definitely felt that I proved something to myself and that it had an impact on my spiritual journey. I also found out that I didn’t want to climb Everest.

I didn’t lose all the weight that I wanted but I recognise that my dietary habits could have been better.

I was fitter than I’ve been in ages.

I really started to enjoy myself.