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Aidan Clegg

Nomura, UK
Managing Director
Closed Programmes

What made you choose Because It's There?

I saw the Matterhorn on a skiing holiday and I just wanted to climb it. A friend and I challenged each other to come back and take on, what seemed like, the impossible.

What were your coaching objectives?
  • Be fit enough to manage the physical challenge of the Matterhorn
  • Raise overall level of fitness to a higher level and maintain it
  • Overcome fear of heights
  • Enjoy challenge and preparation
What did you achieve through the process?

The weekly diary was good, it really highlighted my intake. I have now changed my drinking and eating habits. The training regime worked well in lifting my fitness levels and sustaining them to this day. I am self motivated but it was really good to be constantly held to account.

How would you rate the programme out of 10?